It’s The Tuesday After Battle Tofu And That Means…

…it’s time to announce the ingredient for the next Culinary Smackdown.  I know you’ve been waiting.  I honestly meant to do it yesterday, but I had a really, really, REALLY rotten morning that culminated in my just up and quitting my job and I had to leave the house in order to retain my sanity.  In 40 years, yes folks I have been working for FORTY YEARS pretty much non stop, I have never just said, “Enough. I quit.”  Yesterday, I did.  I am so over nit-picky corporate “policies” that are “assumed” and “unwritten”.  I am so grateful to have wonderful friends who dropped everything to let us come out and visit and allowed me to vent.  And now I’m ready to move on with the next big challenge for all you lovely and talented chefs out there.

It took me a while to settle on my ingredient.  At first I thought about choosing another meat form after having so much fun with bacon, but I realize there are a lot of vegetarians who participate and I want everyone to have the opportunity not only to create a wonderful dish but to be able to eat it as well. 😉

I thought about grains.  I thought about the season.  I tried to remember other smackdown ingredients.  And then, I stood in the store trying to complete my grocery list and it hit me.  Therefore ladies and gentlemen, gird your loins for:

Battle Cabbage! It’s plentiful, it’s in season, and I’m a wee bit early, but hey, it’s in time for St. Patrick’s day.  It’s red, it’s green, it’s smooth, it’s curly.  I love cabbage although I know it’s often the butt of culinary jokes.  I think it’s wildly versatile and that’s why I picked it for this month’s challenge.  I can’t wait to see what all of you do with this oft-maligned vegetable.  Bring it, babies!

The veterans know the rules but for any new folks who are thinking of playing, here’s how it works:

1. Prepare a dish that includes cabbage and as many other ingredients as you choose. If you’re inspired to make more than three dishes, please self-select which you wish to enter.

2. Post at least one photo and as much description as care to on your blog, then come back and leave a comment here letting everyone know you’re “up.” If you don’t have a blog, email me, and I’ll do my best to include you.  Email is mrfsealah AT hotmail DOT com.

3. Recipes are helpful but not required. If you base your dish on a recipe you found elsewhere, please do the right thing and credit/link to the source. If you wing it (as I did for parts of my tofu pizza) that’s fine too. But it would be swell if you gave us a clue as to your ingredients/methods even without measurements.

4. Deadline is February 21. That’s a month from today.  I was thinking about going all the way to Leap Day, so if ya’ll want that extra week, let me know and we can go back to the actual month by month challenge. 

5. I will make my own dish but it will not be a contender.  I will have the final say as to the winner to whom the Culinary Smackdown torch will be passed, and I will post the results as soon as I can.

And there you have it.  I am really looking forward to all the creative and delicious dishes that I know you’ll prepare, elevating the lowly cabbage to new heights!



12 thoughts on “It’s The Tuesday After Battle Tofu And That Means…

  1. Sorry to hear about your job woes. But I guess I’m confused. I thought you you already had a new job lined up . . .

    Anyway, huzzah for Battle Cabbage! Whose deadline oddly coincides with Mardi Gras 🙂 I’ll go ahead and link this announcement post on the sidebar of my blog, and will be sure to spread the word. If you decide to change the deadline (as you know, I always procrastinate), please let me know.

    Congrats again on your Smackdown win!

  2. Hi, Eggy! Yes, I do have a job lined up starting Feb. 6. This was a “battle” over being paid for accrued vacation which I had been approved to take starting today, the was rescinded because I put in a 2 weeks’ notice. Despite the policy being nowhere written or addressed where I could find it beforehand, I was told that I couldn’t take vacation during a 2 weeks notice. I am too old for such BS games, so I said fine, logged off and put my company-provided foot pedal in the mail yesterday. So, two weeks off and then I start fresh.

  3. Anonymous

    As to your winning the Tofu Challenge, congradulations. I am a close friend of Eggy’s who was in the same job position you were in August, but once they let me go, I said “f…ck ’em and have felt much better since, except for a lack of income.. 30 to 40 years in the same position with the same corporate assholes, can leave you so frustrated that you must have someone to vent to -thank goodnes for Eggy for me and your friends for you. Eggy & I may have to collabrate on the cabbage as I am more a fan than she is. Does sauerkraut count as cabbage?? Could be a real challenge if that is allowed. Good luck with everything-just remember you have something like 80 weeks of unemployment if you can get them to allow it!

  4. Hi, Cindie! I hadn’t worked for the same place for 40 years, just been working full time since I was 15, around college, motherhood, etc. I am better off and all is well, but it’s very frustrating when you are treated as a 2 year old by a company. Oh well, on to bigger and better things like Battle Cabbage. Sauerkraut is MOST DEFINITELY cabbage, and I can’t wait to see what you two come up with!



  5. Granny, I know all too well how hard it is to be treated like a 2-year-old on the job. I deal with it every day. Good for you for just saying no, and embracing some down time before your new gig starts!

    Meanwhile, Cindie and I just talked, and I am asking you pretty, pretty please to change the deadline to 2/29. I am glad she’s finally up for rejoining me for the Smackdown in Feb., but my month runneth over, at least through the weekend prior to Mardi Gras (your current deadline). The weekend of the 11th I’ll be attending a local blogging and beer conference, and the following weekend we’re going to Louisville to see Bourdain and eat at [Top Chef contestant] Ed Lee’s restaurant. Weekends are the only time we can pull off a joint entry, so we’re gonna need the weekend of the 25th to pull this together. And I have such a great idea!

    Let me know???

  6. Cabbage! That’s a vegetable. BWAHAHAHAH. But you know, I love it and I’m IN. Glad to hear Sauerkraut is considered cabbage and I appreciate the thought you put into making your decision.

    Congrats on your new job and I’m sorry you had to leave your old job in that matter. Still…. it had to feel good to say “See Ya Suckas”. Or, I hope so. I hate crappy politics and that’s why I work for myself. I doubt I could ever go back.

    BTW, I really loved your Haiku and hope you’re in next week. 🙂

  7. See what happens when you try to do the right thing ~ ugh. I hate that bs too. I’m glad you simply dropped them. As long as you have the bills paid and are fine financially until your new job starts then it sounds to me like your vacation just got a little longer. Good!

    I won’t be joining you for Battle Cabbage. That is one of the foods that I absolutely cannot eat. It plays havoc with my digestive tract. I even pick out the purple cabbage in a mixed salad. Just not worth it. But, for the rest of youse ~ enjoy!

  8. Congrats on your win! That tofu pesto and pizza looks absolutely delicious! Can’t wait to create something for battle cabbage…thanks for the extension of the deadline (we’re throwing a surprise 30th for my brother around the 21st and was afraid I wouldn’t have time for the challenge again and got all sad panda).

    Way to be brave and true to yourself, sometimes things just have to change after a while. Best of luck with the new job and I hope you get to enjoy your little vacation and have a lot of pampering time!

  9. grumpygranny

    Yay for La Diva! Can’t wait to see what your roots bring us for Battle Cabbage. And congrats on conquering that tofu demon. 😉


  10. Pingback: TOFU REMATCH: La Diva vs Tofu-San!!!

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